History of the Owl
POVEY TOOLS is a family-owned small business whose roots stem from old San Francisco. The foundation of our company started many a generation ago with our great grandfather Francie Jess and his son Philip Francie first handcrafting custom boots & shoes. Though we now focus on crafting the finest tools in America, the do-it-yourself ethos is forever a part of our DNA.
Today our operation is located in Verdi, Nevada, the perfect place to test and build timeless instruments. Like prior generations, Povey ran by father Phil and son Jonathan who share a resume of over 40 years of law enforcement experience and an additional 10 in fire. Due to our backgrounds, we've made it our life mission to create tools that can be trusted no matter the situation and can outlive the owner to be passed forward to the next generation. A generational-owned and ran company making generational tools.
Why Povey?
Our business is all about one thing, building the best tool humanly possible. We've experienced the most extreme situations imaginable, and with that, your gear needs to be your best mate. That item you can rely on, no matter what, a faithful partnership stronger than the ground you walk on. We've tirelessly tested our product to accomplish this goal, fine-tuning it for over seven years before bringing it to market. Our flagship tool, the GRFFN™, has been through the wringer, being tested repeatedly with our Western Hotshot family. With their feedback, we've made all the right tweaks achieving what we believe the perfect weight, balance, and ruggedness. We proudly now say the GRFFN™ is the only tool for Hotshot crews and wildland and municipal firefighters alike.